Mixed Match

Mixed Match

As a parent of a mixed race child who had a blood cancer. We were placed in a life or death situation where a transplant may have been necessary. Thankfully in my situation it wasn’t but the troubles behind it were brought to our attention. People don’t realize how complicated bone marrow transplants can be with mixed race people. Mixed Match is a documentary which spotlights the struggle and difficulty behind the impossible task of finding a bone marrow donor.

Mixed Match is an important human story told from the perspective of mixed race blood cancer patients who are forced to reflect on their multiracial identities and complex genetics as they struggle with a seemingly impossible search to find bone marrow donors, all while exploring what role race plays in medicine. With the multiracial community becoming one of the fastest growing demographics in North America, being mixed race is no longer just about an identity, it can be a matter of life and death.

MIXED MATCH will be screening in New York at the Asian American in’l Film Festival on July 29 at 4pm at the Village East Cinema. Get tickets here

There is an extreme need for mixed race marrow donors. Please consider registering. http://mixedmarrow.org