


There’s an Indiegogo that has recently popped up and gone viral; a few people sent me links, probably because its name is the same as my dogs… Luna. This Indiegogo isn’t for a Boston terrier though – it is for the latest in 360º filming technology.

To get in on the action, Luna is now 91% funded and costs $249 +shipping. But 360 isn’t new, in fact Ricoh recently released the Theta, which is also a 360 camera and available now. The Luna does have the one up when it comes to the cool design and waterproofing, but for $250 you can have the Theta in your shopping cart right now.


In Luna’s video they also mention the crazy GoPro setup that people get… yes, it holds 7 GoPros (that’s $500 a piece and the rig is $600). But the people getting those want the quality of the video to be really hi-def. The kind of video you won’t be getting from Luna, likely to be on par with the Theta. So if you are really thinking about 360 video, you could just jump in the game with a Theta.