Shinya Kimura did not only established Zero Engineering 14 years ago in Okazaki, Japan, he also started one of the world’s most distinct custom motorcycle shops ever. Kimura and Zero Engineering built over 300 custom motorcycles and played a leading role in the custom motorcycle scene in Japan these 14 years.  In order to pursue his goal of raising the existing status of the custom motorcycles, and building artistic motorcycles meant to invade art territory as art not just as movable beauties, he gracefully left Zero Engineering behind in Japan and launched his own shop in Azusa, CA called Chabott. “Chabott” is named after the small shop he owned before Zero Engineering came along. Kimura has come back to the basics and is starting from scratch again.  Kimura believes that there is a lot more potential to put artistic value to his creations here in the U.S than in Japan, and this meets his objective – to explore his potential in ways other bike builders never have before.