January 2011


I'm borrowing a line from Party Down in response to this article in The Wall Street Journal. I'll give the line some context: caterer Roman DeBeers is preparing junk food and cheap booze for a wealthy jock family, and doesn't realize their clients are about to celebrate a first round draft pick into the NFL....


Like so many grandiose Detroit buildings that are seeing the end of their legacy as run-down, desolate, open areas of nothingness, the 1929 Michigan Theater now, too, serves as a parking lot. via Bbook...


The Bend Desk is currently a multi-touch desk prototype that allows people to seamlessly interact with several displays horizontally as well as what is displayed directly in front of them. Let's see if this prototype makes it to production!...


Post Secret is an ongoing art community project in which people send in postcards, emails, photos anonymously sharing their secrets. Some are rather funny while others are pretty heart-breaking....


All hail the nano-scientists. A group from the University of Texas, in Dallas, has developed a new technique using nanotubes that can spin yarns out of powders--specifically, powdered boron and magnesium. Though the research is in early stages, one of the coolest possible applications could be wearable power supplies. "Powders are very important functional materials because...


On the order of Charles and Ray Eames’ Powers of Ten, here’s an interactive graphic that helps one visually comprehend relationships of scale. Move the giant slider to zoom in and out to view the relative size of various things ranging from seriously microscopic out to seriously far-off deep space. (link)...


If you're a fan of Korean rice wine or Japanese sake, or just a fan of awesomely designed cups and bowls, then this these moon bowls are the perfect gift. With a curve shaped inside the bowl, with each sip you can see all witness a full moon to a full eclipse! via Cool Hunting...