America’s Pacific Century: Obama is American if he does, American if he doesn’t.

America’s Pacific Century: Obama is American if he does, American if he doesn’t.

NPR’s Ari Shapiro on America in the Pacific.

I think the underlying message in this is actually that this is a really good time for the Clintons. The GOP debates+Obaba unpopularity have us chomping on the history bit for the grand ole days of Bill, and Hillary’s doing enough foreign policy for both she and her boss (actually is Obama a peer?).

The sources in the article are correct to point out America is as much the center of the left half of the world as it is yearning to be the center of the right half, but Shapiro is correct to point out that President Obama is screwed American if he does depend on Asia and screwed American if he doesn’t.

But I gotta say, to be pointing out that Asia is economically important if culturally volatile at this point is blindingly obvious, if covered to death. Forget “Go West, young man.” We’re going to the future, buddy. Just thought you might want to join.