

In the politics you’re likely to hear the word “Constitution” thrown around a LOT. It’s the fundamentals of what our government is built on. The US Constitution was created in 1787, and we still live and breath it today.

Iceland’s original constitution was originally created in 1944. Not as old as ours so it should be better right? Well in 2008 a financial crisis hit and the banking system and government went kaput. So now they’re rebuilding, starting with a new constitution, and here’s the kicker… they’re creating it using social media. They took in suggestions and comments from people and put together a new constitution.

On October 19th, a vote was held and 66% of the participating voters were in favor on the new constitution.

This type of social media influence is amazing to see, but I think we’ll have to watch and see whether the effects of it are good or bad. It would be interesting to see this type of sourcing for a new US constitution, no?

Source: NYtimes / Mashable