Fuelband SE

Fuelband SE

Imprint’s New Year’s Resolutions for 2014 included “exercise more,” so I’ve been trying to take that to heart, with a lot of help from the Nike Fuelband SE. I’m not getting any younger, and I often struggle to incorporate enough exercise into my day while commuting by car. Something had to change, and I figured a gizmo might be the answer. I spoke to some friends, did some research online, and decided to test out the second-generation Fuelband from Nike. It quantifies some of your physical activity with a numeric value (or “NikeFuel” score). It doesn’t track everything. It does log points if you walk, run, jump, dance, stretch, or do anything which involves wrist/arm motion. It’s not as good for activities with less wrist motion – such as cycling, or push ups. So far, I think it’s very, very good. I like the app it pairs with, and it is very comfortable to wear, importantly. It turns out that making my daily activity into something of a simple video game really works for me. Four months into it, my baseline daily activity is up, and I’ve started more vigorous exercise on the weekends too – hiking and running. At the start of the year, our Strategic Planning department said that wearable tech was going to be a big deal this year and now I can see why.
