Gimmick Music

Gimmick Music


We’re no stranger to a little extra something when it comes to getting music, whether it’s bonus tracks or exclusive packaging. It’s a simple gimmick, but we’ve all grown to expect them and now we’re living in an evolving marketplace and the gimmicks are too. I’ve culled 3 different ones that present an interesting take on the gimmick.


Wu-Tang A Better Tomorrow
For Wu-Tangs 20th anniversary album they teamed up with BoomBotix to create a limited edition speaker with several songs from the upcoming album. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to contain the whole album?! must have run out of memory. It’s an interesting gimmick unfortunately I think the speaker company is benefiting more than the Wu on this one.


Soundgarden Echo Of Miles: Scattered Tracks Across The Path
Soundgarden is offering an exclusive song for completing a simple game of memory. A questionable gimmick but an easy way to give away a free song? Not sure why it looks like a game from ten years ago. Seems like there wasn’t much creative thought on this gimmick but does offer a simple way to get the exclusive song.


OK Go Hungry Ghosts
Finally OK Go is always looking for ways to innovate and for the release of this album they were thinking really out of the box having the album available in a new format… DNA. I can’t even begin to get into this gimmick but lucky for you check out this article with The New Yorker