Heart Stop Beating

Heart Stop Beating

In March of 2011, patient, Craig Lewis, was dying from a severe heart condition and had met his final match in life. He was set to die and there was absolutely nothing that could be done to save him from this inevitable fate.

…Or was there? Meet innovative doctors, Billy Cohn and Bud Frazier, from the Texas Heart Institute. The two of them developed and successfully implanted the very first artificial heart. The device was based on a continuous flow system that proved that a human being could successfully live without a pulse or heart beat. “That’s physiology that hasn’t been seen in the last 500 million years of evolution.”

Moral of the story? Nothing is impossible and there are no limits to what creativity and ingenuity are capable of. As my good ol’ friend, Buzz Lightyear, would say: “Reeeaaach fooor the skyyyyy.”