Hello from the POW! WOW! Long Beach 2017 kickoff event

Hello from the POW! WOW! Long Beach 2017 kickoff event

POW! WOW! annual mural-making festivals leave legacies of beautified walls, create landmarks for locals and tourists alike, generate community, and foster civic pride. But being there during the painting is an opportunity not to be missed, and this is the third year I’ve been able to take my family to the opening event, which happened yesterday morning. I think it’s cool if my daughter can meet some of the artists and say hi to the people who make the event possible. Nothing wrong with free coffee, pastries, and pizza, either, and same goes for telling local politicians how cool the event is.

Of course the speakers included Julia Huang, our Imprint leader who attended a POW! WOW! event in Hawaii and spearheaded its arrival to Long Beach two years ago. In the third year, Hawaii-based founder Jasper Wong and co-lead director Kamea Hadar are joined by Long Beach director Dani Concepcion and project manager Tokotah Ashcraft. I know they’ve been swamped getting ready for this week but saw nothing but smiles and shakas onstage and hanging out.

Clockwise from left: POW! WOW! Long Beach Advisor and Patron Saint Julia; POW! WOW! Founder Jasper Wong; POW! WOW! School of Music Long Beach Director Andy Song; POW! WOW! supporters Martha and Renzei; POW! WOW! Long Beach artist Gary Musgrove from The Draculas and fellow art lover.

If you missed it, most of the good stuff still hasn’t happened. The walls are becoming more colorful by the hour, the $5-ticketed artist talks haven’t happened yet, and there’s plenty of time to be a patron of the arts by buying cold, caffeinated beverages for muralists or purchasing stuff at the POW! WOW! Long Beach popup shop at MADE by Millworks.

Check out the calendar and map at powwowlongbeach.com, hit the streets, post pictures, and support!