Hipster Branding

Hipster Branding

Hipster Branding is a clever conceptual Tumblr-powered website, which takes aim at the hip, gourmet coffee-drinking, fixed gear bike-riding, ironic mustache-sporting, “artsy community.” You know the ones. As far as I can tell, no one actually self-identifies as this type of person, so we should all be safe here. And while the hipster-teasing sentiment is not entirely uncommon, and might not warrant immediate clickeration, the fashion in which they’ve executed this vision with crisply re-imagined renditions of iconic corporate logos, is nothing short of impressive. They’ve made some nice revisions, with lots of circles, crosses, clean typography, and a dash of vintage, such as classic tattoo motifs, to capture the vibe perfectly. Take that, hipsters! I think these are great.

hipster branding, tumblr, hipster, branding, ironic, logo, corporate, identity, vintage