Imprint Culture Lab Alumni in The Wallpaper 150 List. #namedrop!

Imprint Culture Lab Alumni in The Wallpaper 150 List. #namedrop!

Imprint always like to brag about its broad and powerful network of creative and financial cognoscenti, but once in a while… just ONCE in a while, we like to drop our pants and fully name drop.

Kenya Hara, Sou Fujimoto and Diller Scofidio+Renfro are all Imprint Culture Lab alumni and made it into The Wallpaper 150 list! Congratulations, designers+architects.

As it happens, most of the names in that list are but a half degree of separation from us, and I don’t know if knowing most of The Wallpaper 150–“The 150 movers, shakers and makers that have rocked the Wallpaper* world in the last 15 years”–makes us cool, or simply indicates we have a lot in common with one magazine, but as it is, the language we both use to describe our network is almost identical. Exhibit A.

Besides all this, is the fact that “Best of” lists are treacherous at best. I like to draw comparison to the Daytime Emmy’s: a wholly tautological cottage industry. And yet it’s network television so the awards show gets aired during prime time…

Anyway, we done gone name-drop it like it’s hot.
