Imprint Long Beach: W+K Garage’s John Jay

Imprint Long Beach: W+K Garage’s John Jay

johnjaywkgarage-790Creativity guru and longtime Wieden+Kennedy heavy John Jay is heading up the world-class agency’s new joint venture, W+K Garage, a muti-disciplined shop that specializes in no-holds-barred innovation, creation, and possibility. When he isn’t traveling the world, curating culture, or pushing the boundaries of media, Jay carves out time to evolve his adopted hometown of Portland. We think you’ll agree that he is uniquely suited to put our multifaceted examination of Long Beach, CA, in perspective.

Can you briefly describe Wieden+Kennedy’s newest effort, W+K Garage, and your role in it?
I am the founder, partner, and Executive Creative Director. We want to find beauty and emotions through ideas and technology, building new products, services, and brands around the world.

As a world traveler and curator of culture, what are some of the categories you consider when you visit or experience a city?
I love art of course––not just in galleries but in the streets and amongst the people. It is important to find visual as well as intellectual stimulation. And the people of any city have their own customs and unique view of themselves. To be trusted within a culture is something to be earned. To be invited into their private living space opens an intimate world unknown from the outside.

When was the most recent instance in which you visited a city for the first time and were blown away?
I love the sensibilities of India. Traveling through the ancient village of Udaipur, I was immersed in another age. Imagine witnessing colors you have never seen before. Aromas that test all of your senses.Rituals as visceral experiences.

Can you touch on some of the ways you’ve been growing your adopted hometown of Portland?
Portland is an extraordinary city and culture, one that has continued to evolve since my arrival from Manhattan. Portland’s sense of nature and strong sense of independence is what gives the city its character. One of the newer influences in my life since Portland has been the creativity of our chefs.