Nothing Is Impossible

Nothing Is Impossible

Never be afraid to try something because it may seem too daunting (or even impossible). If you put your mind to it, you can do anything you want and achieve anything you want. Cliché, I know, but it exists for a reason. Just put your head down and work your tail off like there is no tomorrow. It’s easy to give up on something and we see countless folks fall into this trap, but when you come across those amazingly inspiring stories it can provide a pretty good boost to your own motivation.

There is a small town in rural India that is only about a mile away from another town that has good schools, doctors, and other resources a person would typically need regular access to. The only catch is that there is a massive mountain in between the two towns forcing folks to either travel forty-five miles around the mountain or to muster up the courage to traverse the treacherous path over the mountain. In comes Dashrath Manjhi who simply had enough and dedicated his entire life to creating a path through the mountain himself… with a hammer and chisel. Now, when you think about giving up just think of Dashrath and his impossible mission.