Startup Vitamins

Startup Vitamins

We’re all familiar with those awful corporate motivational posters. You know the ones; they invariably feature great photos of natural beauty (i.e. swooping eagles) paired with quotes designed to inspire, or increase productivity. They’ve been a running joke long enough that sites like Demotivation exist purely to poke fun at the concept. Enter Startup Vitamims. They’re a crew of “serial entrepreneurs” who’ve figured out some of the greatest startup challenges the hard way; with over 11 failed startup attempts between them. They’ve joined forces to design, produce, and offer “Motivating posters for your startup” with crispy clean design style and problem-solving as the focus. Our own Imprint Venture Lab is also familiar with some of the unique challenges that face a startup, and as such, more than a few of these Startup Vitamins posters really speak to our experiences too. Finally, motivational posters which a) look great and b) actually contain useful ideas for startups.

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