Thanks, Merriam-Webster

Thanks, Merriam-Webster

All those Flash ads and auto-play Ask the Editor videos compelled me to send an e-mail of complaint following the Major Redesign of 2004, but I’d still put in my Fav 5, I call on it so often.

Plus, I love the nerdy features, like M-W’s Top 10 Rare & Amusing Insults (“Who you calling a smellfungus?!”) or this Most Popular words list. I mean, who knew no one bothered with insidious until it was from the makers of Paranormal Activity and Saw? And what irony that all that celebration of Liz Taylor’s beauty should be followed by mass viewings of her snubbing by Newman (the mendacity!). But, also, how did basic process get in there? And what did everyone do without pragmatism? And, while I’m at it, what is love?