World’s Saddest Superawesome Social Network

World’s Saddest Superawesome Social Network

I wanted the Texas Instruments eZ430-Chronos watch for its bulk and “flying mouse” capabilities and then I got tuned to this: Let’s High Five, a dedicated social application “to celebrate happiness.”

“Imagine the potential of an application where you can meet new people and automatically receive friend requests from strangers through high-fives. Imagine compiling the location data of every high-five and seeing and mapping where your friends are having the most fun… this and much more is possible.”

Details on the TI wiki include:

  • the High Five Detection Algorithm

  • and the application’s mission

…to remove the misconception that Texas Instruments = Calculators.  For the least minimum, we would like to be seen in public light as Texas Instruments = Calculators + Super Awesome Watch.

Become Let’s High Five’s #5 Twitter follower here!