January 2014

8 Questions

Our ongoing effort to bring you an eclectic series of interviews with interesting movers and shakers in the universe put us in touch with Antoinette V. Cardenas, a Creative Agent at LA-based National Forest Design design firm and creative consultancy. Their clients include the likes of Target, Roxy, Puma, and Burton Snowboards. Prior to this...


Popular American animation series The Simpsons is 25 years old this year, an impressive run for any TV show, animated or not. It hints at Dr. Who levels of never-ending success. Nevertheless, The Simpson's creator, Matt Groening, has recently paid tribute to an even older, more respected peer - Hiyao Miyazaki, a talented and prolific...


I'm not quite sure why someone would do this, but then again, there is some really wacky stuff out there these days. Artist, David Cata, uses his very own skin as a canvas and sews in the face of those who have made a significant impact in his life: family, friends, teachers, loved ones, etc....


I recall one of my English professors at UCLA saying in a lecture that you can't read every book in the world but you can skim the book reviews in the Sunday paper to at least know what's going on. In that spirit--and in contrast to actual criticism--here are some thoughts on key books that...

8 Questions

Disclaimer: Ben Clark is one of my best friends, who actually played music at my wedding as part of the Ray Barbee Band. And he also shot many of my favorite articles that I wrote for Giant Robot mag. Coming from a punk rock background, we carried the barest of gear and never had makeup...

Feed, Information

Brett Martin recently penned an interesting article for GQ which documents the revival of Downtown Los Angeles, entitled, "America's Next Great City Is Inside L.A." He looks at the reshaping of the once abandoned heart of the city over the last 15-20 years, a trend which seems to be steadily ramping up in the last...

8 Questions

Craig "KR" Costello started writing graffiti in the early '90s, and he is as well known for his eye-catching trademark drippy style as he is for his signature KRINK ink and markers. He has built one of the most respected names in graffiti-related art supplies, having taken the tried-and-true DIY art form of making your...