

We heard all sorts of of reasons NOT to visit Mexico City: Too crowded, smoggy skies, drug lords, kidnapping. Guess what? Mexico City is rad, it was easy to get around, everyone was friendly, and the only thing we missed during our summer trip was burritos. (More of a California thing.) Mexico's capital features layers of...


It's hard to believe that I've been attending Comic-Con since 1979. I was in fifth grade and a hardcore Marvel Comics collector looking for back issues of Fantastic Four, Marvel Premiere, Invaders, and other collections. Back then it was mostly dealers selling old comics out of cardboard boxes on folding tables. These days I go...


POW! WOW! annual mural-making festivals leave legacies of beautified walls, create landmarks for locals and tourists alike, generate community, and foster civic pride. But being there during the painting is an opportunity not to be missed, and this is the third year I've been able to take my family to the opening event, which happened...


On Sunday, my friend and artist Andy Alexander had an art show and book signing at Rachel Comey in West Hollywood to celebrate the release of her new dresses incorporating his work as well as a monograph of his illustrations. My wife Wendy and I (mostly her) helped make the book, so how could we...


I've seen this year's record-setting precipitation reflected in friends' gorgeous photos of flowers blooming in the desert and overpowering waterfalls in Yosemite. Wow. Last week, my family and I took advantage of the unusually stormy year by making yet another trip to Mammoth Lakes in the Eastern Sierras. I guess it's hard for us to...


Someone once told me that the highest elevation in Florida is the Matterhorn. I'm pretty sure she was messing with me, but the Golden State has at least as many wonders as the Swamp State. So this weekend my family and I met some friends and we went on a sight-seeing mission to visit our...


The LA Zine Fest is humble and great like the medium itself. Made with various levels of production value or proficiency, the booklets are lovingly stapled and folded by hand. It is the ultimate DIY form of communication that is handed over in person or via snail mail--not always but often traded with a hug...