
Editorial, Information

Kickstarter, as you've surely heard, is a platform for securing “crowd funding” to support creative projects. Founded with VC and angel investments in 2008, they’ve funded an impressive array of projects since, including film, music, and publishing. The Pebble E-Paper Watch recently became the company’s most heavily-funded project, with over $10 million in backing. This...

Editorial, Feed, Information

It seems rather like a trailer for a Sci-Fi flick, but this is, in fact, a promotional movie produced by the people behind Mars One - a mission to inhabit Mars by 2023. The Dutch company claims they already have the technology and the supply chain necessary to take mankind to this bold new frontier....

Editorial, Name Drop

It's tough being the sidekick. They rarely set off in life looking to be Number 2. There's a reason Number 2 is a piece of poo. It stinks.  Vivian Vance had to stay 20 pounds fatter than Lucille Ball as her sidekick on I Love Lucy.  Ed McMahon had to forgo his own career in...


I was asked the other day how much I thought it would cost to start a business. After hearing a short description of the business, I said, "half a million, if you want  it to be above-the-board." (For the sake of privacy I'll only say this woman wants to manufacture and sell a new consumer...


via Something interesting is taking place in broadcast media today, and it has to do with the consequences of declaring video the heir apparent of our future. Video is the future. If I never heard it again it’d be too soon. As a web-consumer of course I realize the salience of video, youtube, chatroullette, gimmicky memes… As a...


According to WSJ-Metropolis, there are fewer chain stores in NYC today than this time last year. But with Wal-Mart fighting hard to get into NYC, and Wal-Mart employees fighting harder for their rights to be able to afford something like living in New York City, is the statistic a false positive on the health of...

Editorial, semper fi

I have a fondness bordering on psychotic obsession with the book as both object and content delivery system. This obsessions misdirects my modern evolution to tablet-format electronics, and induces such rolling of the eyes as only a vinyl collector can match when incited to debate over "the future," "efficiency," "saving space" or "accessibility." Very few...