June 2012

Editorial, Information

Kickstarter, as you've surely heard, is a platform for securing “crowd funding” to support creative projects. Founded with VC and angel investments in 2008, they’ve funded an impressive array of projects since, including film, music, and publishing. The Pebble E-Paper Watch recently became the company’s most heavily-funded project, with over $10 million in backing. This...

Feed, On Beauty

I'm sure everyone knows what a confluence is, but has anyone ever actually seen confluence images as visually contrasting as these? Whether it be first-hand out in the wild, or behind a computer 10,000 miles away, nature never ceases to amaze me. If mother nature can seamlessly merge two incredibly visually opposing objects (gargantuan ones,...

Feed, ICL, Information

In a previous post we mentioned our ICL alum Jenova Chen who had started as a indie game maker and made it big. Filmmakers Lisanne Pajot and James Swirsky have made a documentary about 4 developers trying to make it big with their indie games. I can barely wrap my head around coding a flash...

Editorial, Feed, Information

It seems rather like a trailer for a Sci-Fi flick, but this is, in fact, a promotional movie produced by the people behind Mars One - a mission to inhabit Mars by 2023. The Dutch company claims they already have the technology and the supply chain necessary to take mankind to this bold new frontier....

Humbled, Mea Culpa, Solutions

I'm feeling exceptionally motivated this evening, so with that you'll get an exceptionally motivating post (AKA super cheesy post). Enjoy. Every now and then (more like everyday thanks to Facebook..) you come along one of these incredibly motivating images or videos that just makes you want to kick your ass into high gear and do something...